Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Create An Ecommerce WordPress Website In 3 Hours! (Woothemes Wootique) 2013

Friday, July 8, 2011

Storing and Retrieving Image in SQL Server

Storing and Retrieving Image in SQL Server

Hi, I saw many developers are asking this questions in different forums. Recently I saw this question on MSDN forum and I thought let me write a blog on this. I know many of us found this too easy however for new bees its bit hard.
In this article, I had used SQL Server 2005 as back end and C# as front end. SQL Server has “Image” data type to store the image. In Oracle and some other database you can use a data type which is used to store binary value (may be BLOB). I have created a simple aspx which has File upload control and a button. When user selects a file to upload, I am checking it for valid image type and converting it to array of Bytes. Then I will store that byte array into database. Below is the code,
if (objFileUpload.PostedFile !=null)
if (objFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
// Get Posted File.
HttpPostedFile objHttpPostedFile = objFileUpload.PostedFile;
// Check valid Image type. Create this function according to your need if (CheckValidFileType(objHttpPostedFile.FileName))
// Find its length and convert it to byte array
int intContentlength = objHttpPostedFile.ContentLength;
// Create Byte Array
Byte[] bytImage =new Byte[intContentlength];

// Read Uploaded file in Byte Array
objHttpPostedFile.InputStream.Read(bytImage, 0,

Fig – (1) Read Uploaded file (here Image) in Byte Array
Pass this Byte array to you DAL and use it for storing image in database. I am using Enterprise Library as DAL so my code will look like,
Database db =DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
string sqlCommand =“StoredProcedureName”;
DbCommand dbCommandWrapper = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand);
bytImage );

catch {throw; }
Fig – (2) Insert Image in to database
This is how you can store the Image in database. Retrieving the image is the same process. Write a SP which will return your image. Store this value in a Byte Array. Once you get the image in Byte array, you just have to write it on form as shown below,
Byte[] bytImage =Byte array retrieved from database.
if (bytImage !=null)
Response.ContentType =“image/jpeg”;
Response.Expires = 0; Response.Buffer =true;

Fig – (3) Code to display Byte array as Image on form.
To use this at multiple places in your application, you create a page to which you can pass ID of Image and it will retrieve image from database and create image. To do this copy paste above code in aspx.cs file. Now on every page you require to show this image take on that page and set its ImageURL property to the path of newly created user control. See the code below,
<asp:Image ID=”ViewImage” runat=”server” />
Fig – (4) Image control on any aspx page (Lets say Sample.aspx).

string strURL =“~/ViewImage.aspx?ID= 1 “ ;
ViewImage.ImageUrl = strURL;
Fig – (5) Set Image URL for image control on code behind (Sample.aspx.cs)
You can see the image will be displayed in your page where you had put Image tag.
Happy Programing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Building a Career

Today, and more than ever, most people are responsible for building their own careers.

Whether you are just starting, or you have several years of experience, these paragraphs might help you advance your career.

The 9 most important career planning tips is listed below:
1. Never Stop Learning

Life-long learning is your keyword.

The world is constantly changing, and everybody is looking for new ways of doing business.

If you have decided that your current skills are good enough, you have also decided that your current job is good enough.

But if you want a career in the future, you should add regular updates to your skills and knowledge.
2. Ask, Listen And Learn

A good listener can learn a lot.

Listen to your co-workers, your boss, and your superiors. You can learn a lot from their experience.

Ask about issues that interest you, and listen to what they say. Let them tell you about how things work, and what you could have done better.

Most people will love to be your free tutor.
3. Fulfill Your Current Job

Your current job might be best place to start your career.

It is often very little that separates successful people from the average. But nothing comes free.

If you do your job well and fulfill your responsibilities, this is often the best way to start a new career.

Talk to your supervisor about things you can do. Suggest improvements. Offer your help when help is needed. In return ask for help to build a better career. It is often possible - right inside your own organization - especially if you have proved to be a valued employee.
4. Build Your Network

Your next career step might arise from your contact network.

Did you know that more than 50% of all jobs are obtained from contact networks?

If you have a good contact network, it is also a good place to discover future careers, to explore new trends, and to learn about new opportunities.

Spend some time building new contacts, and don't forget to maintain the ones you already have.

One of the best ways to get serious information from your network is to regularly ask your contacts how they are, what they do, and what is new about their careers.
5. Identify Your Current Job

Your current job should be identified, not assumed.

Make sure you don't work with tasks you assume are important. This is waste of time and talent.

When you start in a new job, talk to your superior about your priorities. If you're not sure about what is most important, then ask him. And ask him again. Often you will be surprised about the differences between what you assume, and what is really important.
6. Identify Your Next Job

Your dream job must be identified.

Before you start planning your future career, be sure you have identified your dream job.

In your dream job, you will be doing all the things you enjoy, and none of the things you don't enjoy. What kind of job would that be?

Do you like or dislike having responsibility for other employees. Do you like to work with technology or with people? Do you want to run your own business? Do you want to be an artist, a designer or a skilled engineer? A manager?

Before building your future career your goal must be identified.
7. Prepare Yourself

Your dream might show up tomorrow. Be prepared.

Don't wait a second. Update your CV now, and continue to update it regularly.

Tomorrow your dream job may show up right before your nose. Prepare for it with a professional CV and be ready to describe yourself as a valuable object to anyone that will try to recruit you.

If you don't know how to write a CV, or how to describe yourself, start learning it now.
8. Pick The Right Tools

Pick the tools you can handle.

You can build your future career using a lot of different tools. Studying at W3Schools is easy. Taking a full master degree is more complicated.

You can add a lot to your career by studying books and tutorials (like the one you find at W3Schools). Doing short time courses with certification tests might add valuable weight to your CV. And don't forget: Your current job is often the most valuable source of building new skills.

Don't pick a tool that is too heavy for you to handle!
9. Realize Your Dreams

Put your dreams into action.

Don't let a busy job kill your dreams. If you have higher goals, put them into action now.

If you have plans about taking more education, getting a better job, starting your own company or something else, you should not use your daily job as a "waiting station". Your daily job will get more and more busy, you will be caught up in the rat race, and you will burn up your energy.

If you have this energy, you should use it now, to realize your dreams.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

SiteLife Embedded code to take the group with you

IT Group

Friday, June 11, 2010

Software companies of India

7Hills Business Solutions
Accel Transmatic Limited
Accord Software and Systems
Aditi Technologies
Adrenalin eSystems
Anantara Solutions
Appin Security Group
Aspire Systems
BMR Managed Services
User:Bafnanilesh/Perennial Systems
Bodhtree Consulting
Brahma Vision
Byzan Systems
CGS Infotech Ltd
CMC Limited
Cognizant Technology Solutions
CSC India
DSQ software
Data Software Research Company
Fifth C
Geometric Limited
Gussmann Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
HCL Enterprise
HCL Technologies
H cont.
Hexaware Technologies
IVL India
IBM India
IBS Software Services
Iken Solutions
Impetus Technologies
Intuit India
ITech Workshop
KPIT Cummins
Larsen & Toubro Infotech
List of Software Companies in Delhi
List of software and BPO companies in NOIDA
Mahindra Satyam
Microsoft India PL
Mindfire Solutions
NeST Software
Oracle Financial Services Software
Patni Computer Systems
Persistent Systems
Polaris Software Lab Limited
Pramati Technologies
Prithvi Information Solutions
Q3 Technologies


Information technology (IT) is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of infotech". Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information.
In recent days ABET and the ACM have collaborated to form accreditation and curriculum standards[1] for degrees in Information Technology as a distinct field of study separate from both Computer Science and Information Systems. SIGITE[2] is the ACM working group for defining these standards. The Worldwide IT services revenue totalled $763 billion in 2009.[3]